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     Before Rotwood became known for its Military lifestyle and Survivalist upbringing, it was known as a place called Efrafa; a land that was a barren waste and the rabbits that struggled to survive were often in fear when elil came to hunt them. So many lives were lost and with no leader to organize these wayward rabbits, all hope seemed dim until Woundwort came. A tyrant from another land and a forgotten past; he had made himself chief of Efrafa after he showed these poor rabbits his strength and military tact. It was a unanimous decision, but in the end, the rabbits all agreed to follow Woundwort to have a better tomorrow… if only they had realized they were also surrendering their lives for such a future.

     Soon Efrafa would be seen as a slave encampment. Any and all that lived there were now prisoners of their own home and this would only continue on until Hazel and his outsiders intervened. With the knowing of another warren that sought followers to join them, his lust for power was threatened and he began to enact war against this new foreign warren; this Watership Down.

     However time and time again would prove that these outsiders were more formidable than he anticipated. Even when he acted in a last ditch effort to break them from the inside; Woundwort sent his rabbits to attack Hazel and his warren, only for that to backfire and lose one of his greatest captains. After the fall of his own warren and the army he once had, Woundwort found himself at his forgotten origin, where a greater army awaited him and he took this opportunity to attack Watership Down once again for control!


     Several years had gone by since then, Woundwort and his armies failed, and Watership remained supreme. Efrafa was left to pick up the pieces of battle and re-establish themselves in the life they wanted for their fellow rabbits. It was a long and struggling road, but eventually the leadership fell upon General Typhon; a buck who rules with an iron paw but leads with a kind and generous heart. The history of his past still lingers in his mind, but Efrafa continues to look forward to a better tomorrow.

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