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     Long ago, an evil scourge known as Woundwort, had terrorized the lands with his Efrafrian and Dark Haven armies. He threatened Watership Down as well as the neighboring warrens, such as Redstone and The Shining Wire. In his mind, his word was law and any that opposed him would be crushed by his own paws.

     But, when Hazel and his warren rose from the ashes, they overcame Woundwort’s armies and rid their lands of his dangerous influence. However, fear rose from many of their victories. A fear that a new evil might rise up to take over again. Even after Efrafra rebuilt it’s nation under a new authority.


     After many generations of fear and wars against warrens, needless bickering for territory and food, one leader realized that enough was enough. Hazel’s descendant, Pecan’Rah, had called together a union of leaders. His home was a place of peace and neutrality and any who walked on his lands, must abide by such a simple rule. The leaders gathered, but oh how they bickered and quarreled. So much so that at moments, it would seem as though a fight would break loose! But Pecan’s voice was the calm to the storm, as he spoke with a softness, “We are all brothers and sisters of these lands, descendants of the great El’ ahrairah. Our true enemies are not those that you see before you, but those that dare threaten our children and homes. The Elil, Man, and all the world that has become our enemy. As Patriarch of this warren, I make you this offer: Unify yourselves with us, and together, we will become a warren so great, that not even Man can do harm.” Such moving words they were; and it was such that the leaders all agreed that Willow Tree Warren would be renamed Willow Tree Haven, making it the one place where every rabbit from every warren, can come together in peace.

     20 moons had passed since then and the union among the leaders have remained strong... at least, for now it has...

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