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     "There is a place for everything and everything... has it's place. We are the Pure Ones and we have seen the disharmony among these pitiful creatures. Chaotic, weak, scattered like leaves in the wind. This world outside is screaming for justice, screaming for order... and WE are that order." ~ Malestrum

     After the chaos that happened during the Week of Unity, the four warren's trust, their foundation for unity and peace has been tested. Questions are now in place, questions that are both troubling and dangerous if answered. Rabbits have been disappearing and there is only one warren that can cultivate the peace... Trinity Cell Warren. A rumored place that has always been watching, waiting, observing  their neighbors and how they live their mundane lives. All under the protection of their mighty leaders and chief; The Pure Ones. They are the hierarchy of Peace, working to give better lives to their fellow creatures. But rumors have it, that this warren is a lot more than what it appears to be! In fact... one could even say, they've the gift of the Elil on their paws...


This warren is located in a human facility, where rabbits and other various creatures have been taken to be used for man's... experimentation. If you wish to join Trinity Cell Warren you must abide by the rules that the warren has set for it's followers. Rabbits and other species are welcomed...

The Pure Ones



Malestrum's Laws

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